Showing posts with label gradle. Show all posts
Showing posts with label gradle. Show all posts

24 January 2022

Publishing Android Jacoco test results to SonarQube

This is something I really though would be pretty straightforward but I wanted my Team City build server to push my unit test coverage to SonarQube. 

SonarQube is a really cool application that shows you all sorts of really interesting insights and problems with your code. Inefficiencies, security problems and tech debt are all highlighted by SonarQube in a nicely presented dashboard. It works with all sorts of languages but of course with Android we're focusing on Java and Kotlin.

I'd managed to get SonarQube setup and the basic code details pushed over fairly easily, but I couldn't get the test coverage over.

There are of course other ways around, I could have installed a better plugin on Team City which would have helped I'm sure, or I could have installed a Sonar Gradle plugin, but I didn't want to do that.

The trick ended up being to get xml test coverage. Once I had that sorted I could push that xml report to Sonar and it started showing my test coverage.

Nothing I did in the standard build.gradle file seemed to work, the standard jacoco plugin seemed to ignore my pleas for xml coverage reports. Eventually I found a really great little script that helped me get there.

Big thanks go to the Auther of this piece for figuring this out.

08 January 2020

Android library using GitLab as an aar repository

As your Android project begins to grow you will likely start to accumulate a few libraries. Not the official ones, like rxjava, androidx and so on, but I'm talking about ones you've developed yourself. These could be your entire network layer, your really really useful utils folder, or whatever. If you're a good developer you'll have these in separate modules or possibly even completely separate projects. To start with this is fine, you may be copying your aar files around or just being vocal about changes to your modules so your teammates can keep up to date.

This article gives a fantastic explanation of why it's a good idea to stop doing that:

The author makes some excellent points why modules and copying aars are a bad idea. The ones I most agree with are:

Library distributed to other developers should not be modifiable. In case there is some problem, issue should be reported to developer involved to let them fix. Letting other developers directly access the source code might cause them accidentally doing a quick fix by themselves which will cause a big problem afterwards. 
Most of the problem listed above are solved except one: it's still hard to update and roll back over the version.

The solution is to use a repository. Basically give your library a specific version and deploy it to a repository so it can be referenced simply using nothing more than a gradle import. Luckily for us there are a few repositories out there and they can be easily made private. So we only allow permitted developers access to our libraries.

Jfrog is a great way to go, but this means you've probably got to manage a server yourself. What I was hoping for was a cloud method where I had no server admin and no setup process. So I turned to my old friend GitLab.

Now the first and most important thing to note is that the GitLab repository pattern (named packages) is not free. GitLab Packages is only currently available on the Silver package, which does incur a monthly cost. Although they do have a trial period, if you just want to give it a go. There is a project level setting to enable packages, but for me this was already turned on.

So that said, let's get to the code. First step is to create a library.

I created an Android library named "WorstLibEver" this is the extent of it:

public class HodorUtils {
    public String askHodor(String question){
        return "Hodor";

I know, you're blown away aren't you?

Now we need to edit our gradle file:

First add this line to the top:

apply plugin: 'maven-publish'

Next you'll need to add the following to the bottom:

task sourceJar(type: Jar) {
    classifier "sources"

publishing {
    publications {
        bar(MavenPublication) {
            groupId 'com.test'
            artifactId 'worstlibever'
            version '1.7'
    repositories {
        maven {
            url ""
            credentials(HttpHeaderCredentials) {
                name = "Private-Token"
                value = GITLAB_PERSONAL_TOKEN
            authentication {

Note that zzz refers to the project ID. This is the numeric ID from your gitlab main page.

One other thing I needed to do was upgrade to gradle version 5.5 in the Not doing this meant gradle couldn't find HttpHeaderCredentials.

You now need to go into GitLab and generate an access token. You do this is the user settings (not the project settings) and ensure the API access level is ticked. Copy the access token and add it to your file.


That should be all you need. Clean, build and assemble your library and then run the gradle publish command. Your aar should be deployed to GitLab packages and it should now be ready for downloading. You can check in your GitLab packages section and you should see the details displayed there.

Now we goto our client, the app that is going to download and read our worst ever library. We open up our gradle file and add the following:

buildscript {
    repositories {
        maven { url ''}
        maven {
            url ''
            credentials(HttpHeaderCredentials) {
                name = "Private-Token"
                value = GITLAB_PERSONAL_TOKEN
            authentication {

allprojects {
    repositories {
        maven { url '' }
        maven {
            url ''
            credentials(HttpHeaderCredentials) {
                name = "Private-Token"
                value = GITLAB_PERSONAL_TOKEN
            authentication {

Lastly we add in our dependency and we should be away:

implementation 'com.test:worstlibever:1.7'

That's it, happy coding!

16 May 2016

Android - There is a problem parsing the package

This was a head scratching problem I had. I copied an apk to my phone and tried to install it but immediately got an error

There is a problem parsing the package

So I opened up Android Studio, assembled it again and re-installed it. Same problem. I checked the manifest, checked gradle and a few million other things! Some hours later I tried:

adb install C:/folder/myapp.apk

Then I checked the ADB logcat and finally I had something to go on.


How frustrating! Couldn't I have been told that during build? Well at least I had something. It turned out to be a missing provider authority for a specific flavour. Oh well, next time I'll know what to do first!