24 January 2022

Publishing Android Jacoco test results to SonarQube

This is something I really though would be pretty straightforward but I wanted my Team City build server to push my unit test coverage to SonarQube. 

SonarQube is a really cool application that shows you all sorts of really interesting insights and problems with your code. Inefficiencies, security problems and tech debt are all highlighted by SonarQube in a nicely presented dashboard. It works with all sorts of languages but of course with Android we're focusing on Java and Kotlin.

I'd managed to get SonarQube setup and the basic code details pushed over fairly easily, but I couldn't get the test coverage over.

There are of course other ways around, I could have installed a better plugin on Team City which would have helped I'm sure, or I could have installed a Sonar Gradle plugin, but I didn't want to do that.

The trick ended up being to get xml test coverage. Once I had that sorted I could push that xml report to Sonar and it started showing my test coverage.

Nothing I did in the standard build.gradle file seemed to work, the standard jacoco plugin seemed to ignore my pleas for xml coverage reports. Eventually I found a really great little script that helped me get there.


Big thanks go to the Auther of this piece for figuring this out.

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