07 November 2020

Android Hilt example and a unit test (with Robolectric)

Android Hilt has been released and I must say I'm quite impressed. I absolutely hate Dagger which I think comprises of far too much boiler plate code, its badly documented and incredibly confusing. Hilt is of course built on top of dagger and I think this is a huge win for the Android community. Hilt decreases confusion, increases code generation and is nice and simple.

I don't want to go into what Dependency Injection (DI) is, that's been done to death.

There are two resources I found really useful to get started with Hilt:

The Hilt documentation - https://dagger.dev/hilt/

Coding with Mitch videos: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zTpM2olXCok

There are two things I want to talk about in this blog post:

  1. A really quick intro and setup of a Hilt module.
  2. A unit test using Robolectic.
Before I go much further I would discourage you from using Robolectric. It's become a real pain to work with, requiring Java 9 for its latest version and regularly deprecating things without clear documentation on how to migrate. That said I've been using Robolectic for a while so I'm stuck with it until I can remove it from my code. I'm hoping Hilt and ViewModels will help me do this.

The first thing I wanted to look at is (I think) a fairly standard use case where a class has some dependencies and we want to use that class in our activity without creating it every time.

Step 1 - The application

class MyApplication : Application()

Step 2 - The Class

class Petrol(val input: String) {

    fun getTheInfo(): String {
        return input

Step 3 - The Module

Now this is the interesting bit, here we define a "factory" where we list how the class is to be created. Obviously this is a very simple example, but I think that's a good way to start.

class PetrolFactory {

    fun getPetrol(): Petrol {
        return Petrol("Petroll")

Step 4 - The Activity

Now we setup the activity and you'll note how little code we need to write to create and start using the class

class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() {

    lateinit var petrol: Petrol

    override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
        findViewById<TextView>(R.id.main_text).text = petrol.getTheInfo()

I think this is fantastic and hopefully it's clear to see how easy this is and how quick you can make complex interactions really simple.

Step 5 - The Tests

With the tests I want to show how you would pass in something different for the purpose of testing. 

class MainActivityTest : RobolectricTestConfig() {

    var hiltRule = HiltAndroidRule(this)

    class TestEngine {
        fun getPetrol(): Petrol {
            return Petrol("TestPetrol")

    fun init() {

    fun testActivityMainText() {
        val scenario = ActivityScenario.launch(MainActivity::class.java)

        scenario.onActivity {
            assertEquals("TestPetrol", it.findViewById<TextView>(R.id.main_text).text)

One thing that's really important to remember is you can't run the test with the green arrow in Android Studio. You need to use gradle. So just run the gradle task instead. That's it I hope that helps demonstrate how you would create a DI app with Hilt in a few easy steps. I also hope you can see how easy that makes testing.

19 July 2020

Photo backup and sync using Google Cloud Bucket Storage

This morning I spotted a tweet by Greg Wilson whom I don't know and have never met. However it appears he's some kind of director at Google Cloud, so that might explain why I'm following him and why he tweeted this:


Archiving my newly organized 238k+ photo library (2.2TB) to Google Cloud Storage with: gsutil -m rsync -r -d . gs://{mybucketname} I'm using crazy-cheap 'archive' storage class in single regionStorage price: $0.0012/GB/Month (!) @gcpcloud

This really interested me as I've been trying to upload photos to an AWS (Amazon Web Services) bucket recently but it's been a tedious process.

I am aware that various cloud services like dropbox and pcloud exist, but I want the following:

  1. Encryption
  2. Ease of use
  3. Cheap
I really only want this as a backup in case of fire or failure of one of my crummy old USB HDDs fails. I genuinely don't understand why so many of these services make such a bad job of encryption or offer it as some kind of bizarre add on. Come on people this is 2020, it's not hard and it shouldn't be expensive.

So I realised with some basic AWS skills I can spin up a bucket running glacier for pennies a month. This worked really really well, but the upload tools are slow and not terribly reliable for bulk uploads. Which I guess is understandable because the whole point of AWS is to build your own right?

Back to my original point, I stumbled across this tweet and thought hmm, that sounds nice and easy. Let's give it a go on a dull lockdown Sunday.

The following I followed from here: https://cloud.google.com/storage/docs/quickstart-gsutil

1. Install Python 3.8
Did someone say snakes on a plane?
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:deadsnakes/ppa
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install python3.8

2. Download & Extract Google Cloud SDK

3. Create a bucket
Then I created a new Google Cloud Project on their cloud console and a new Cloud Storage Bucket. This was actually really easy and the bucket creation process easily walked me through the access policies and encryption setup. Although to be fair the AWS process is pretty good now as well. Don't forget to select your preferred storage type but bare in mind different types have different latency, pricing and minimum storage commitments.

4. Initialise the sdk
Run gcloud init this will initialise your sdk and link it to your google account. You can then of course select the project you're working on.

5. Copy a file
That's pretty much it, from there you can copy individual files using gloud cp or as Greg's tweet suggest you can use the sync option for bulk upload.

This is such a simple process I was really impressed.

One thing it's important to note is that Google Storage buckets may have a minimum storage time period:

08 January 2020

Android library using GitLab as an aar repository

As your Android project begins to grow you will likely start to accumulate a few libraries. Not the official ones, like rxjava, androidx and so on, but I'm talking about ones you've developed yourself. These could be your entire network layer, your really really useful utils folder, or whatever. If you're a good developer you'll have these in separate modules or possibly even completely separate projects. To start with this is fine, you may be copying your aar files around or just being vocal about changes to your modules so your teammates can keep up to date.

This article gives a fantastic explanation of why it's a good idea to stop doing that:

The author makes some excellent points why modules and copying aars are a bad idea. The ones I most agree with are:

Library distributed to other developers should not be modifiable. In case there is some problem, issue should be reported to developer involved to let them fix. Letting other developers directly access the source code might cause them accidentally doing a quick fix by themselves which will cause a big problem afterwards. 
Most of the problem listed above are solved except one: it's still hard to update and roll back over the version.

The solution is to use a repository. Basically give your library a specific version and deploy it to a repository so it can be referenced simply using nothing more than a gradle import. Luckily for us there are a few repositories out there and they can be easily made private. So we only allow permitted developers access to our libraries.

Jfrog is a great way to go, but this means you've probably got to manage a server yourself. What I was hoping for was a cloud method where I had no server admin and no setup process. So I turned to my old friend GitLab.

Now the first and most important thing to note is that the GitLab repository pattern (named packages) is not free. GitLab Packages is only currently available on the Silver package, which does incur a monthly cost. Although they do have a trial period, if you just want to give it a go. There is a project level setting to enable packages, but for me this was already turned on.

So that said, let's get to the code. First step is to create a library.

I created an Android library named "WorstLibEver" this is the extent of it:

public class HodorUtils {
    public String askHodor(String question){
        return "Hodor";

I know, you're blown away aren't you?

Now we need to edit our gradle file:

First add this line to the top:

apply plugin: 'maven-publish'

Next you'll need to add the following to the bottom:

task sourceJar(type: Jar) {
    from android.sourceSets.main.java.srcDirs
    classifier "sources"

publishing {
    publications {
        bar(MavenPublication) {
            groupId 'com.test'
            artifactId 'worstlibever'
            version '1.7'
    repositories {
        maven {
            url "https://gitlab.com/api/v4/projects/zzz/packages/maven"
            credentials(HttpHeaderCredentials) {
                name = "Private-Token"
                value = GITLAB_PERSONAL_TOKEN
            authentication {

Note that zzz refers to the project ID. This is the numeric ID from your gitlab main page.

One other thing I needed to do was upgrade to gradle version 5.5 in the gradle-wrapper.properties. Not doing this meant gradle couldn't find HttpHeaderCredentials.

You now need to go into GitLab and generate an access token. You do this is the user settings (not the project settings) and ensure the API access level is ticked. Copy the access token and add it to your gradle.properties file.


That should be all you need. Clean, build and assemble your library and then run the gradle publish command. Your aar should be deployed to GitLab packages and it should now be ready for downloading. You can check in your GitLab packages section and you should see the details displayed there.

Now we goto our client, the app that is going to download and read our worst ever library. We open up our gradle file and add the following:

buildscript {
    repositories {
        maven { url 'https://maven.google.com'}
        maven {
            url 'https://gitlab.com/api/v4/projects/zzz/packages/maven'
            credentials(HttpHeaderCredentials) {
                name = "Private-Token"
                value = GITLAB_PERSONAL_TOKEN
            authentication {

allprojects {
    repositories {
        maven { url 'https://maven.google.com' }
        maven {
            url 'https://gitlab.com/api/v4/projects/zzz/packages/maven'
            credentials(HttpHeaderCredentials) {
                name = "Private-Token"
                value = GITLAB_PERSONAL_TOKEN
            authentication {

Lastly we add in our dependency and we should be away:

implementation 'com.test:worstlibever:1.7'

That's it, happy coding!