I've previously created my own custom built high scores add on for my Android app, frankly it was pretty rubbish. It was local only, not very pretty and had no public competition element. There are a few third party apps but they cost money. That is until at Google IO Google announced Google Play Game Services. I thought I'd take a look and I was incredibly impressed.
Game Services allows you to instantly integrate a leaderboard into your app. It does this using Google + which means your users can share their scores with their circles, specific friends or of course with the public. I love this because just thinking about creating a user id for every user and a server side backend to deal with all that makes me shudder. Plus you can add in achievements which is pretty cool too.
So if you want to get started adding play services I very much recommend downloading Google's sample app "Type-a-Number":
Then run through the steps to get the API set-up on Google's developer console and of course provides a sample app and code to study. I really recommend you study this and get a good grasp on how it all works. I'm not going to run through all the code here, as Google have already done that. The same applies to the API, you do need to do a bit of setup on Google's developer console. Just make sure you copy the IDs of your game service and your leaderboard into your android project. Preferably in the same way Google suggest with an ids.xml file.
You're going to need to set-up eclipse and your project with Google Play Services Library which I already had for Google Maps anyway. The sample app uses the Base Game Utils library, which isn't totally necessary, but it does make things a little simpler. Again, all steps are covered in the quickstart.
The first thing is to get the Google Plus button working. This is a simple case of adding in the com.google.android.gms.common.SignInButton button to your layout file.
Then add a listener:
//Listener for Sign in
findViewById(R.id.sign_in_button).setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View v) {
Now beginUserInitiatedSignIn() is a function in Base Game Utils which deals with the Google + magic. It does have a callback function though which you can utilise, here's mine:
public void onSignInSucceeded() {
Toast.makeText(this, "Signed in", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
mShowSignIn = false;
UpdateUi() handles hiding the sign in button and showing the sign out button.
Last but not least we need to push our scores.
It's spectacularly easy to do.
There are however a few things I've learnt:
- Be very wary of your certificate. You'll need to make sure the SHA1 hash you use is the same you export your Android project as the one you enter on the game services API.
- When you come to release this, if you've been using your debug certificate you'll need to delete your game services on the API and start it all over again. I've tried many times to tweak the SHA1 in an active game service but it always breaks. So best to start fresh with a production ready certificate and use it for the API as well.
- The IDs you get from play services must be copied exactly to your ids.xml file and your manifest must have a line like this:
<meta-data android:name="com.google.android.gms.games.APP_ID" android:value="@string/app_id" />
- If you want to delete your scores or change the IDs you use for the game services or leaderboard you need to goto:
Settings -> Google -> Google + -> Apps With Google + Sign In -> xx_AppName_xx -> Disconnect App
You'll get the option here to delete your scores. This can be a bit temperamental, so change IDs only if you're really stuck.
One last thing worth mentioning, and its addressed to Google, whom I'm sure study my blog every day! When one looks at the achievements board, you can't expand the achievement to get the full description of what is required. On a phone, this means you'll never know what's required.
Thanks and good luck.
I am developing an application using Google Play game services. And use achievements,Social and public leaderboards,Real-time multiplayer.Can you suggested me how to promote application in google play store?
Ratings, get your app as many ratings as possible, the more favourable, the higher it will rank in search results. Also ensure your featured image and app description really pop.
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