19 July 2020

Photo backup and sync using Google Cloud Bucket Storage

This morning I spotted a tweet by Greg Wilson whom I don't know and have never met. However it appears he's some kind of director at Google Cloud, so that might explain why I'm following him and why he tweeted this:


Archiving my newly organized 238k+ photo library (2.2TB) to Google Cloud Storage with: gsutil -m rsync -r -d . gs://{mybucketname} I'm using crazy-cheap 'archive' storage class in single regionStorage price: $0.0012/GB/Month (!) @gcpcloud

This really interested me as I've been trying to upload photos to an AWS (Amazon Web Services) bucket recently but it's been a tedious process.

I am aware that various cloud services like dropbox and pcloud exist, but I want the following:

  1. Encryption
  2. Ease of use
  3. Cheap
I really only want this as a backup in case of fire or failure of one of my crummy old USB HDDs fails. I genuinely don't understand why so many of these services make such a bad job of encryption or offer it as some kind of bizarre add on. Come on people this is 2020, it's not hard and it shouldn't be expensive.

So I realised with some basic AWS skills I can spin up a bucket running glacier for pennies a month. This worked really really well, but the upload tools are slow and not terribly reliable for bulk uploads. Which I guess is understandable because the whole point of AWS is to build your own right?

Back to my original point, I stumbled across this tweet and thought hmm, that sounds nice and easy. Let's give it a go on a dull lockdown Sunday.

The following I followed from here: https://cloud.google.com/storage/docs/quickstart-gsutil

1. Install Python 3.8
Did someone say snakes on a plane?
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:deadsnakes/ppa
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install python3.8

2. Download & Extract Google Cloud SDK

3. Create a bucket
Then I created a new Google Cloud Project on their cloud console and a new Cloud Storage Bucket. This was actually really easy and the bucket creation process easily walked me through the access policies and encryption setup. Although to be fair the AWS process is pretty good now as well. Don't forget to select your preferred storage type but bare in mind different types have different latency, pricing and minimum storage commitments.

4. Initialise the sdk
Run gcloud init this will initialise your sdk and link it to your google account. You can then of course select the project you're working on.

5. Copy a file
That's pretty much it, from there you can copy individual files using gloud cp or as Greg's tweet suggest you can use the sync option for bulk upload.

This is such a simple process I was really impressed.

One thing it's important to note is that Google Storage buckets may have a minimum storage time period: